We're glad you have selected to visit our online Scrub Store. Here you will find the same great selections of scrubs you can find in our retail store, along with convenient special ordering. We hope you enjoy your shopping experience. Please come by our retail store in Downtown Gainesville if you are in the area - we would love to see you!
To make a purchase, simply select the item(s) you would like to buy and then select the Create a New Account option at checkout. Afterwards you will be able to login with your Email Address and the password you selected to see the status of your order.
If you have already established online access to our WebStore, select the "Sign in" option at the top to review your purchase and order history. You can even re-print a receipt if you like.
If you are new to the WebStore but have made purchases in our retail store and have a receipt, you can create an on-line ID that is linked to your existing account. Just select the "Sign in" option and choose "Link to My Existing Account".
Thank you for shopping with The Uniform Shop in Gainesville, GA. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you!